This one’s pretty cool, just like Lillie Mae, host of the Glambitious Podcast.

The What Podcast?

Once again, I have been featured on something truly amazing. The Glambitious Network is a website and a group dedicated to providing creative services and resources to people hoping to become entrepreneurs.

I’m an entrepreneur (or authorpreneur, to be precise), so naturally, I was featured on the podcast. It’s pretty quick, so there’s no reason not to check it out. In fact, I even embedded it below. I was on Episode 78, so play that specific one to hear me talk about what gets my creative juices flowing!

You enjoyed that, right? I hope so, because I enjoyed doing it. It was fun to talk about what I go through every time I need to get creative.

Thank you to Lillie Mae for having me on her podcast, and thank you for reading this!