The Blue Barricade Chapter One – Last Day of School


It’s the last day of high school, and I spent the last hour doodling a spaceship. Why not? What could you learn on the last day? How to say goodbye? Besides, this thing was a masterpiece. One worth saving. I clicked the side of my blue and green pen that rivaled the size of my […]

Why Our Characters Deserve Breaks Every Now and Then


Characters were made to suffer. It’s a fact of life. Think of your favorite character across any media (mine’s Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender!). Now, think about their journey. I assure you that it wasn’t an easy one. It was littered with hardship, tragedy, and a distinct lack of bathroom breaks, hmm. I […]

Book Review: Hunt (Freya Snow Book 1)

When I downloaded Hunt, I was surprised to see that it was book 1 of 11. After finishing the book, I understood exactly why that was. Hunt (Freya Snow Book 1) is a YA urban fantasy novel. Apparently it’s a Snowverse novel, which is a pretty cool name. It’s about a teenager named Freya Snow. […]

The True Magic of Harry Potter

Yes, The Blue Barricade, I have a book coming out on July 20th. I’m super excited about it, but let’s take a break from advertising it. For now. Let’s talk about another book today. Perhaps, the most famous book? Ever? I’m sure this post is one of billions, so let me preface by stating that […]